Sunday, December 23, 2007


Setelah hampir seminggu tidur jam 4 atau jam 5 pagi. Akhirnya, hari ini aku bisa tidur panjang full 12 jam non stop ! Rasanya enak banget, damai, dan puasssss. Tugas-tugas sudah selesai dan sudah di-submit. Yah semoga bisa dapet nilai bagus deh. Dua hari ini bisa istirahat sebelum mengerjakan tugas-tugas lain :( di liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru. Semangat-semangat!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Today's date is 6-12. Three years ago on this date was a very emotional and memorable for me, as on that date my father passed away. At that time I still cannot believe why he left us so fast. In the middle of these busy days and I remembered about my father in the same time, makes everything very difficult. I just feel want to cry everytime I think about him, about his kindness, high sense of humor, confidence, leadership, and deep affection to his children. He is more than a father for me, he's more like friend. I can discuss anything with him and he is very supportive to me. When I am in a bad mood or feel want to give up to a certain thing, his words always can cure me.

I still remember clearly when he was in the hospital and I visited him on December 2004. He put all his energy to breath, his face showed like he was under very big pressure. He could not talk, he just could write something in the paper. Before I left to Bandung again, I showed him a piece of paper, "See you on July 2005". Because at that time I would be graduated from ITB on July 2005. He responded nothing. And that time was the last time I met him alive.

Now, I just can meet him through my dreams. He always shows his smile to me when he meets me. Yes, his special smile. He always come in my dream when I'm in difficult situation. Miss you Pa!