Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Critical Section

I was in the middle of tough conversation, probably the toughest one in my life. I had to make a decision from a binary type question. It was not easy since I felt that I cannot take one of them in mutual exlusive manner. But I cannot do a "busy-waiting" all the time. A process should go on. I made a decision. A painful decision. However, life must go on.

Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better [Ecclesiastes 7:3].

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Olimpiade Beijing 2008

Seperti biasa, Indonesia akan mengandalkan bulutangkis untuk mendulang medali di Olimpiade 2008. Akankah Taufik Hidayat mengulang sukses terdahulu? Tadi liat-liat di youtube clipnya Taufik. Liat maennya dia, emang sadis banget. Keren.
Nih kalo mau liat:
1. Yang ini liat di menit 5:16. Counter attack super.

2. Yang ini pertahanan super, dan backhand yang kayak forehand. Gila, pergelangan tangannya terbuat dari apa itu..

3. Yang ini pas masih belasan tahun, lawan Ji Xinpeng. Pertahan super lagi. Akhirnya smash menyilang.

4. Smash yang keras buanget.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Habis ini kemana ya?

Beberapa hari yang lalu liat-liat fs anak-anak Salatiga yang baru lulus SMU. Liat-liat comment mereka, kebanyakan dari mereka saling bertanya satu sama lain, mau lanjut ke mana? Mau kuliah jurusan apa.

Setelah tak pikir-pikir, waktu dulu aku nentuin jurusan pas mau kuliah, sebenarnya aku nggak terlalu apa yang harus aku pilih. Taunya sih kalo anak IPA biasanya masuk Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, Kedokteran. Aku sama sekali nggak tau entar di jurusan itu nanti belajar apa, habis lulus dari situ entar jadi apa dan laen-laen. Dalam pikiranku sih aku cuma pengen tau lebih dalam tentang komputer dan programming, berbekal itu, aku pilih T. Informatika. Dan untungnya sih, jurusan tersebut lumayan pas denganku. Cocoklah. Dan setelah kuliah beberapa tahun jadi ngerti T. Informatika bukan tentang memprogram komputer saja.

Setelah cerita-cerita dengan temen-temen laen, pengalaman mereka juga relatif sama, mereka milih jurusannya tanpa terlalu tahu sebenarnya yang akan mereka pelajari itu apa. Bagi mereka yng cocok dengan jurusannya sih gak masalah, tapi kalo yng gak cocok wah bisa gak enjoy ngejalaninnya.

Aku nggak tau sih kondisi sekarang di SMU-ku, dulu sih paling banter ngundang alumni yang udah kuliah. Itu juga paling mahasiswa yang baru tingkat satu, orang-orang yang masih bangga ketrima di univ. top tapi sebenarnya mereka belom tahu apa-apa tentang universitasnya. Jadi ya masih tidak terlalu terbayang entar belajarnya apa. Harusnya sih bagian konseling atau BP di sekolah pro aktif dong tentang ini, jangan cuma kerjaannya ngurusin anak telat masuk sekolah, anak berantem hehehe.. (piss) Mereka harusnya bisa memberikan pengetahuan kepada murid-muridnya pilihan apa aja yang mereka miliki. Dulu pas aku masi jadi mhs baru di univ ini, rada aneh juga denger T. Geologi, T. Geofisika, T. Kelautan. Ya gimana, wong pas SMU juga ga dikasi tau. Padahal kan kalo kuliah di T. Geologi entar bisa kerja di BP, Exxon, Shell, Conoco huehuehue.

Selain pihak sekolah, kayaknya pihak universitas (PTN) ada baiknya melihat contoh cara penerimaan mahasiswa di U.S. Ini bukan artinya saya pro US hehe. Kalo nggak salah (kalo nggak salah lho iniiiii), untuk ndaftar di universitas mereka harus bikin essay, kadang-kadang ada interview juga. Jadi mau nggak mau si calon mahasiswa jadi mau mengexplore jurusan-jurusan yng ingin dia pilih, cari tahu apa sih yang dipelajari di jurusan itu. Sesuai dengan minat dia apa enggak. Masak nyeleksi mahasiswa baru cuma mengandalkan score UMPTN doangs..Kayaknya kurang komprehensif dalam menilai seseorang..

Monday, July 21, 2008


"I'd move to Los Angeles if Australia and New Zealand were swallowed up by a huge tidal wave, if there was a bubonic plague in Europe, and if the continent of Africa disappeared from some Martian attack." (Russell Crowe)

"If you grow up in the suburbs of anywhere, a dream like this seems kind of vaguely ludicrous and completely unattainable. [But] this moment is directly connected to those imaginings. And for anybody who's on the downside of advantage, and relying purely on courage, it's possible." (Russell Crowe, his Oscar speech)

Watch it

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Susahnya Administrasi di Indonesia

Sebelum ke sini saya kan harus ngurus paspor, soalnya paspor saya sudah habis masa berlakunya. Lha wong terakhir bikin paspor SD. Pas SD itu, seingat saya, pas di kantor Imigrasi, nggak enak banget. Nunggunya lama banget, nggak tahu kapan dapat giliran untuk foto. Eh tahu-tahu disuruh pulang sorenya, besok suruh datang lagi. Anehnya besoknya kayak gitu lagi. Pokoknya setiap ke kantor imigrasi, nggak dapat kepastian akan dapet giliran diurus apa enggak. Menyebalkan sekali.

Nah, pas tahun 2007, ternyata keadaannya sama aja. Tetep aja, pas kesana, nggak tahu kapan dipanggil, nggak tahu kapan paspornya bisa jadi. Petugas-petugasnya cuma  bilang, "Tunggu aja Mas sampai dipanggil namanya". Ada juga petugas yang "mainin" Ibu-ibu dengan bilang bahwa persyaratan si Ibu itu kurang dok. X, Y. Padahal di peraturannya dijelaskan bahwa dokumen tersebut nggak perlu. Selain itu, petugas-petugasnya itu kayaknya nyantai banget kerja-nya. Datang jam 9 pagi abis itu ngrokok-ngorokok, ngobrol sama temennya. Terus setengah jam kemudian baru jaga loket. Sebel banget ngeliatnya. Apalagi saya kan dari luar kota, harus bolak-balik. 

Contoh lain, aku nggak mengalami sih, kalo ngurus legalisasi akte kelahiran di Indonesia juga ribet. Kalo dibandingkan dengan negara maju, buset dah, bedanya jauh banget.  Kebetulan aku lahirnya kan di luar negeri, di sini nih. Pas mau legalisasi akte kelahiran kan bingung banget tuh. Ya udah aku google aja, dapet situs kotanya. Terus disitu ternyata udah ada prosedur untuk legalisasi akte kelahiran. Ya udah aku cuma email aja kesitu, terus officernya cuma minta full name-ku sama alamat di Indonesia. Kurang dari dua minggu, nyampe deh aktenya. Mudah buanget ga tuh? Sampe gak nyangka gitu, kok gampang banget.

Emang sih gak sepenuhnya adil kalo membandingkan Indonesia dengan negara maju dalam hal-hal begitu. Tapi coba dilihat, dari jaman saya SD (1990 awal) sampe tahun 2007, gak ada perubahan berarti. Gila gak tuh? Udah 17 tahun dan gak ada perubahan! Apa nggak nggemesin tuh? Ada sih yang berubah, kameranya lebih canggih hehe, tapi kulturnya itu lho, masih nggilani.
Bukan memuaskan customer malah menyengsarakan customer. Seakan-akan mereka ingin menunjukkan, kalo bisa dibuat rumit kenapa harus dibuat mudah?

Yang jelek-jelek udah gw tulis kan? Sekarang yang rada baik deh, menurut temen saya, si Amos, pas dia ngurus pasport di Jakarta, ternyata cukup mudah. Nggak tahu sih kantor imigrasi Jakarta yang mana. Dia ngurus sendiri dan cuma 3 hari jadi tuh. Ya mungkin, yang Jakarta sudah mulai berubah? Moga-moga kantor-kantor imigrasi yang lain pada ketularan deh. 

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Beberapa hari ini rasanya bosen banget. Maklum liburan udah mulai, temen-temen satu persatu pergi meninggalkan Eindhoven menuju tanah airnya masing-masing. Orang Indonesia yang masih bertahan cuma Agni, Mas Lesky, Pak Wayan. Hari ini si Jian, bakal pulang juga. Yah tambah sepi nih rumah. Sebenarnya ada sih yang dikerjain, GSoC project, tapi minggu ini lagi nggak seru. Deliverables-nya sudah aku kerjain semua. Mentornya juga rada bingung mau ngasi kerjaan apa. Akhirnya disuruh baca-baca JAX-RS. Tapi hari ini lagi gak mood baca dokumen euy. Aku lebih suka langsung ke code soalnya hehe. Nggak bagus juga kebiasaan kayak gini. Entar malem deh aku baca.

Selain GSoC ada sih yang bisa dilakuin: belajar bahasa Belanda, explore tentang Lucene, mbaca buku-buku Information Retrieval. Tapi lagi males :-) Liburan gini kok malah belajar sih? Hmm, jalan-jalan? Jalan - jalan juga males. Pertama kali pas mau ke sekolah disini, wah asyik bisa jalan-jalan kemana-mana. Tapi pas sudah ke Paris kemaren, mau jalan-jalan lagi males, paling juga ketemu gedung-gedung kuno, patung-patung, foto-foto, udah deh. Apa aku-nya saja yang tidak suka jalan-jalan ya?

Yah moga-moga akhir minggu ini Puspa nggak sibuk deh, jadi aku bisa maen-maen ke Delft. Sekalian pinjem buku. Nggak apa-apa ya Pus hehe.

Hmm, jadi inget, kayaknya kamar harus diberesin. Udah kayak kapal pecah. Tapi males euy. Entar juga berantakan lagi. Deket-deket inspection day aja beres-beresnya.

Yo wis, mandi dulu!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Google Summer of Code: July 2nd, 2008

Today I began to work on my project at 09.30 AM (a little bit earlier than yesterday ) considering the fact that I don't know anything about bridging the authentication between J2ME client and Acegi security framework used in OpenNMS. After about one hour googling about this matter I can't find any useful information. Hmm, should I ask my mentor how to do it? Oh come on, I still got faith that I can do this. Ok, in the end I found a very small hint here. The guy in the Acegi mailing list said that :

"If your J2ME system is able to maintain the standard jsessionid or cookie-based session identifier, you shouldn't have any problems."

At that time I got confused whether I should trust this guidance or not. Ok, the point is I should maintain the JSESSIONID right? So, how to authenticate??? Thinking...Thinking..Oh no! I don't know how to do it!! :(( Googling was useless, no existing implementation about this. However, finally I got an idea. The main point is how to emulate the authentication between browser and Acegi into J2ME. Clear. In order to understand the mechanism behind this, I can sniff the packet. I assumed that the mechanism only include HTTP request and response.

Next, I used wireshark to monitor the HTTP packets during the authentication. Apparently, the mechanism went like this: (I exclude all the details of the data inside the packet)
1. Browser :
GET /opennms-webapp/notification HTTP/1.1
2. The server reply:
HTTP /1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
3. Browser:
GET /opennms-webapp/acelogin.jsp HTTP/1.1
4. Server:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK (text/html)
5. Browser:
POST /opennms-webapp/j_acegi_security_check HTTP/1.1
6. Server
Continuation or Non HTTP Traffic
7. Server

HTTP /1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
8. Browser
GET /opennms-webapp/notification HTTP/1.1
9. Server
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Getting bored already? Ok, this is for refreshment : (posted without permission from the original owner)

Ok, back to business,
As you can see above, there are 9 steps during the authentication. Seems easy right? But apparently, it's not that easy :( Simulate that behavior in the J2ME Midlet is not that straightforward. Basically, if we tell the server (via browser) HTTP GET, we will end up with HTTP 200 OK (if success). But actually before reaching HTTP 200 OK, there can be HTTP 302 message which means redirecting. But since all the browsers now are smart enough to redirect automatically to the next destination there is no big problem. On the other hand, for J2ME this is a "problem" :D So, what I have to do is keep checking whether the 302 still remain, and parse the HTTP header to get the "Location". According to HTTP/1.1 specification, after we get 302 we should follow with HTTP GET to the next URI Location. Above you can see that in step 2 and 7 there are redirections.Clear. For the authentication, we should make a HTTP POST (step 3) and embedding the username, password.

So tired...Observing the wireshark output really made me dizzy. Yeah, because I didn't know any easier way to do this.
But anyway..problem solved!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Google Summer of Code: Acegi

Buset...Ternyata di openNMS pake Acegi security framework. Walah...walah..Ampun...Ampun..Apalagi ini..Masa setiap hari harus belajar dari NOL terus. Harus explore lagi nih...Belom lagi entar komunikasi JME dengan Acegi belom tau caranya..Atau jangan-jangan malah nggak bisa connect lagi mereka hehe.

Haduh, caranya gini..liburan bener-bener coding setiap hari hehe...Gila, IF banget ga seh.


Tadi kan gw ngubah web.xml nya si opennms. Supaya REST servernya bisa terintegrasi dengan existing code. Tadinya kan gw bikin server baru di port 8182. Nah sekarang mau gw ubah jadi pas ada HTTP GET ke http://localhost:8080/opennms-webapp/notification XML responsenya langsung dikirim.
Udah nambahin REST application-nya. Servlet mapping, servlet adapter.Semua library udah di-define di pom.xml. Si Maven dengan cerdas men-download semua library. Ok, saatnya ngetes kan. Harusnya pas gw hit "/notification" harus ada XML response dari server. Sayangnya enggak tuh, adanya malah STDERR: org.mortbay blablabla..Dari jam 11.00 gw duduk di ICTheek, ngoprek-oprek..Apa ya yang kurang..gw coba bikin stand-aloneweb-application jalan. Begitu dicoba di opennms kagak jalan, akhirnya saking putus asanya gw copy web.xml yng standalone ke web.xml-nya opennms. Emang sih rada bar bar. Ya udah gw build lagi..Ok, di-run! Ya ampun...Ya ampun..masi aja error..Mikir lagi...kenapa ya...Mana org.mortbay outputnya ga tau kemana lagi..

Hmm, usaha terakhir, run lagi. http://localhost/opennms-webapp/frontpage.html hmm...coba login dulu ah, berhasil..ok sip.Sekarang coba http://localhost/opennms-webapp/notification ...Buseeeeeeet. Akhirnya..keluar jg Hello World-nya...Stupiddddd pisaaaaaan. Berjam2 kok ga kepikiran! Gemblung...

Ya jelaslah kalo yng standalone tadi kan security-nya pasti di-bypass kalo dimasukin ke servlet container-nya opennms ya harus pake autentikasi..Memalukan bgt.memalukan!!!!!

Ya ini nih kalo mikir terlalu rumit2.. Pantesan si Matt kemarin bilang, kayak ginian bisa diselesain 5 menit saja. Gila, parah2.. Ah sudahlah, w00t!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Google Summer of Code Week Ke..Berapa ya ?

Today, I had a call with Matt to review my work. Well, how was it? I think I made a progress and completed my last week's target. For the first time, I committed the new code to the branch repository. w00t!
I got several feedback and todo list:

  • Change the REST application to run in the existing servlet container rather than listen in the separate port.
  • Add the acknowledgement feature.
  • Integrate JME module to Maven. I managed to do this one but haven't committed the code yet. I feel very happy that I'm able to do this! I can build JME through Maven rather than the wireless toolkit. w00t!! Someday I will post how to do this hehe. Actually it's easy, if you know how to do it :-)
  • Standardize the variable names. Write "m_blablaba" rather than "mblablabla"
  • Put package for the JME Code.
  • Change the style of the code to minimize comment. For example, rather than write "// Put up the waiting screen" it's better to write like this "putUpTheWaitingScreen()"
  • Read "Refactoring" book and "Test Driven Development"
Ok, still many things to do! w00t!! w00t!! Hehe..
Hey, btw I have a wiki for this project. You can find it here

Friday, May 30, 2008

Google Summer of Code: Week 1

Google Summer of Code 2008, officially starts! So, what I've done these days?

1. Install the tools and development environment.
- Operating System: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
- Eclipse 3.3 with the WTP to edit the source code.
- Subversion (SVN), to check out, check in source code from the repository.
- Maven, build the source code.

2. Download the source code of OpenNMS, build it, install it. Import the source code to Eclipse, build it via Eclipse try to run it on the server.This part is the most difficult part, many trials and errors. Almost makes me frustated :-) But I got very excited when I succeed to build, install it.

3. Visit the bugzilla to pick one bug to fix. Read the description of the bug, in which version of OpenNMS it occurred. Download the source code from repository , and again build, install. Finally, reproduce the bug. After that, look at the corresponding source code, try to find what goes wrong there. Change the source code, test it whether the bug fixed.

4. Audio conference with my mentor, Matt Brozowski. He has computer science degree from Carnegie Mellon University, after that he worked for IBM for 8 years and now he is the CTO of OpenNMS. He's a nice guy I think, provide me with many useful advices regarding this project. It's a nice experience to talk with him.

5. I got the suprise book from Google. The book's title is "Beautiful Code". In addition to that, my payment card has arrived too :D

Target for week #2: Create the use case diagram, read the SVN, Maven book.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Google Summer of Code 2008

Finally the results of accepted students in Google Summer of Code 2008 were out yesterday. As one of the applicant I was pretty curious whether I will be accepted or not. The schedule for the announcement was 21st April 2008 at 19.00 UTC but somehow when I logged in to the webapp the status of my applications still the same. There was no "rejection" or "accepted" status. Feel strange, I went to the google Soc discussion list and found out that there would be a delay in the announcement approximately 30 minutes or so. Curious to see the reactions of other students I logged in to #gsoc in Freenode. When I logged in, there were already about 850 people inside the channel!

Student's message from all of the world keep flowing through the channel asking about anything related to the announcement. They were very eager to see the results as soon as possible.After about 30 minutes, the admin explained that in few minutes they will push the emails. Well you can guess what happen after that, there were students that so excited that they're accepted and students that keeps wondering, asking why he got rejected. Me? Hmm, I was not in a rush to find out the result :D

Come on, more than 7000 applicants out there and I got selected? Give me a break :P Ok, I had my dinner first corned beef + fried eggs as usual, drank Red Bull Energy Drinks and....ok..ok..I will check my inbox. Eng.. ing..eng...New message from gsoc@google.com. The message is "Congratulations blablabla..." Hmm...this could be wrong, have to make sure to the dashboard. Went to the dashboard and just saw my project name, my name, and my mentor's name listed there. Still could be wrong? Thinking...Thinking..Ok, this is real, I got accepted. Excited? You bet! And I just go directly to Win's YM and typed " DAPAAAAAAAAAAT ".

So, what's the project all about? Luckily the project that I got accepted is the project that I'm interested the most, The project is ownered by OpenNMS my job is to make a cell phone interface to the OpenNMS system. Yeah, J2ME things.

Looking back through my effort to apply to this program, it wasn't easy. I applied for 3 organizations and sent 6 proposals. During the ranking phase one of the organization (SIP Communicator) asked me about how can I implement such functions to the existing software. Should I make a new implementation? Or should I use existing library? Or what? To be able to answer these questions I should look at the source code of the software!Wow..It would be difficult then... Thinking..Thinking...Ah come on previously I worked on RDPS in Divusi, I can manage to do Pak Riza's assignment in System Programming Course in IF..I can do this! Just try!

I downloaded the source code and tried to look at it. If you know about SIP Communicator, there are several protocols supported by it namely Jabber, YM, MSN etc and that's the first time I saw the codes how to implement such protocols. I just amazed and felt that, wow Opensource programmers are really rock! By the way SIP Communicator's source code is easier to understand I think, if you havent seen Pidgin's source code :D. Pidgin's source codes are written in C/C++, the GUI is using GTK and as a person that quite some time seldom to use C/C++ I can only see stars around the code :D (read: pointers) When I saw the codes what can I say was "RESPECT" (pake gayanya Ali G). So, Opensource, my respect to you ! (I think Arya will laugh and make fun of me if I say this :D )

Are there any other Indonesian accepted? As far as I know there are two others, Grady Laksmono (Moodle project) and I Nyoman Winardi Ribeka in OpenMRS (he's not Win!! Can you believe that?? ) I hope there are more Indonesian accepted.

Ok, to sum up, overall I feel happy but I think I was happier then this when I got accepted in IF ITB :D A
t least I don't regret that I quit IBM Extreme Blue selection in Amsterdam. But all in all, I still have exams to do, assignments to make, tons of papers to read, meetings to attend, interview to do etc. Wish me luck guys!

(Merdeka)+ (Ridho knows how to read this :D )

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Review Sem-1 2007-2008

At last after waiting for about 1 month, the result of the exams are published. When I looked to my evaluation page, I was like freezing for about 5-10 seconds. The results are far more better than my expectation. Now, full 30 ECTS (6 courses) are already in my pocket therefore I passed the scholarship's limit that is 22 ECTS. Looking back to Sem-1, it's a tough semester since the courses are pretty new for me and I don't have high appetite for competing like I used to have in high school :P . So, what courses did I take in Sem 1? The courses are as follows:

1. Requirement Analysis Design and Verification
This course study about the process behaviour of a system, how to a specify requirement in a formal way, and how to verify whether the design already comply with the system requirement.It requires hard work in the beginning of the semester. Many mathematical proof in this course. Luckily, I did very well in the exam. Honestly, I'm not interested with this course, too many proofs we should make :P Why should we prove green its not equal to red if we already knows they are clearly different? Well, somebody may argue mathematical proof is a beauty (hoeeek) but for others its just a rubbish (me).

2. Generic Language Technology.
This course covers topics about language transformation. We use Meta Environment tool in this course. The documentation of the tool is very poor and we got into trouble since we have to use the tool for the assignments. Fortunately, Arya always found a magical way to conquer this tool in every assignment. I'm not interested with this course either. Even until in the mid semester I didn't know what actually the lecturer talk about :D But, I like the last part of the course, its about SLR, LALR parsing teqhnique.

3. Software Architecting
The BEST course in Semester 1. I really enjoyed this course (from System Architecture and Networking group). I like the topics and the assignment were challenging. I did very well in the quiz and assignment. The exam was a little bit tough than last year. Probably I will do master project in the area that related to software architecture. Oh yes, the lecturer is damn good! He's really expert in this area. By the way, he did his PhD under the supervision of Tony Hoare in Oxford.

4. Adaptive Systems
The idea of this course is a futuristic idea but the content doesn't reflect that. I do not know whether adaptive systems will have hot prospect in the future. Instead, I'm more interested to data mining topics in this course. For the assignment, again, the tool often behaves unexpectedly. But Arya still have his magic for this one :D

5. Metamodeling
Hmm...I don't want to comment on this one.

6. Web Information Systems
This is an interesting course actually. We learn about the web engineering, semantic web technology and Web 2.0. The lecturer is very strict. The exam was oral exam. It was a new experience for me. And I did not prepare well for the exam, but somehow I succeed hehe.

That's all folks, my academic journey in Semester 1. Not very interesting for me since I only like one course (that suits my interest). Does this statement mean I select the wrong program? I will keep the answer until the next post.

By the way, I think Semester 2 is more challenging! There is another course from SAN that is Real Time Architecture! How about the girls??? Still the same hehehehe Two dutch girls and one Asian girl. I will write about Semester 2 next time!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Jadi Detektif

Tadi barusan iseng-iseng ngeliat siapa aja sih yang ngakses blog ini. Wah asalnya bermacam-macam. Tapi ada yang menarik sih tadi, ada yang domain name-nya utwente.nl. Siapa ya? Kayaknya aku nggak kenal orang dari Twente. Dan ternyata, dia sudah beberapa kali mengakses halaman blog ini sejak sekitar tanggal 22 Januari 2008. Dan tahu nggak, sebelum dia ngakses blog ini, dia nge-search "samuel Louvan" di Google, habis itu keluar address blog saya terus dia masuk ke situ. Hari ini aku cek lagi, eh dikunjungi lagi sama dia. Tapi sekarang dia udah langsung ngakses ke louvandahsyat.blogspot.com ga pake search dulu ke Google, udah biasa kali ya.

Yang paling mungkin sih "pengunjung" ini temennya Grant/Bung Lesky/Pak Wayan. Soalnya beliau-beliau ini punya teman di sono. Kali aja, dia ngeliat gw di friendster, terus nge-search nama gw di Google. Atau jangan-jangan gw pernah nge-view dia di friendster? Siapa pengunjung laennya? Ada yang dari chello.nl, kalo ini mah temen sekos. Speedling.nl ini sih kayaknya si Arya hehehe. telkomsel.co.id, yah paling IF'01 yang kerja di telkomsel. unibz.it (Free University Bolzano), kayaknya si Bayu neh.

Kok aku jadi iseng gini ya? Jadi ingat jaman dulu, suka maen-maen netstat. Seru.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Name, A City, An Unexpected Trip

As you might know before, my lastname is Louvan. Many people, especially new friends, wondered what does Louvan mean. As a hint, I was born in a city named Leuven. It is located in Belgium. That's why my father gave me Louvan for my lastname. But hey, Louvan it's not the same with Leuven! Did my father make a mistake?? Gave me a wrong name?? Hmm, unfortunately not my friend. He's not that stupid :D Well, I don't know the exact answer but sometimes the foreigners such as French people, recognize Leuven as Louvan. So, that concludes the history of my lastname.

Is Louvan is my family name? The answer is no. Actually my family name is Kakisina but I almost never use it, because in my birth certificate my name stated as Samuel Louvan. How can it be? How can "Kakisina" doesn't appear in the document? Did my father make a mistake? Yes, he did. He didn't fill in the family name. Well, but that's ok since I think Louvan is better than Kakisina, I guess hahaha. But someday when I have a child, definitely I will give him/her Kakisina as his/her lastname. Same mistake won't happen.

How long did I stay in Leuven? Well, I just stayed there for 2 months and then we went back to Indonesia. Have I visited Leuven again? YES! After 24 years 6 months and 19 days after my birth, I finally came to Leuven for the second time. Actually it was an unexpected trip. Last weekend I met my oldfriend, Agung who came from Singapore for training in ASML. When we had our lunch, he unexpectedly said, "Come on let's go to Leuven!" I was thinking that it was a bad idea since it's already 2 PM and we have to catch a train bla..bla..bla. But fortunately, Agung has a car! Not just a car, but also Tomtom. Car + Tomtom = Trip!

The trip to Leuven from Eindhoven lasted for about 1.5 hours. So, how does Leuven look like? I think it's a beautiful small city. The city center is located in a straight long street and in the end of the street you can see the town hall which is very sophisticated! We spent only 1 hour there, took some photos, walked along the city center, and went back home to EIndhoven. Well, nothing much to see but at least I've already visited my birth place. I wish I could go there again with my mother. Someday we will!

A Plan

Suppose I will pass 22 ECTS this semester, I would like to do following things in the next semester:
1. Read the lecture material before attend the class!
2. Manage carefully my study time. Use ECTS guideline!
3. Take as many courses as I could. Drop some if I could not cope with it.
4. Read algorithm books, solve TopCoder/ACM problem as many as I can.
5. Attend more party! Got to know more people here in Eindhoven.
6. Play badminton at least once a week.
7. Look for internship opportunity.
8. Build again the relationship with her. I'm kidding :D Ok, with her. I'm kidding again hehe.
9. Travel to Germany/Spain/Italy.
10. Choose master project topic among Software Architecting, Information Retrieval and Computer Network.

Actually, there are still many things to add but hmm..lets begin with this list first and then let see whether I can manage to do these things :D