As you might know before, my lastname is Louvan. Many people, especially new friends, wondered what does Louvan mean. As a hint, I was born in a city named Leuven. It is located in Belgium. That's why my father gave me Louvan for my lastname. But hey, Louvan it's not the same with Leuven! Did my father make a mistake?? Gave me a wrong name?? Hmm, unfortunately not my friend. He's not that stupid :D Well, I don't know the exact answer but sometimes the foreigners such as French people, recognize Leuven as Louvan. So, that concludes the history of my lastname.
Is Louvan is my family name? The answer is no. Actually my family name is Kakisina but I almost never use it, because in my birth certificate my name stated as Samuel Louvan. How can it be? How can "Kakisina" doesn't appear in the document? Did my father make a mistake? Yes, he did. He didn't fill in the family name. Well, but that's ok since I think Louvan is better than Kakisina, I guess hahaha. But someday when I have a child, definitely I will give him/her Kakisina as his/her lastname. Same mistake won't happen.
How long did I stay in Leuven? Well, I just stayed there for 2 months and then we went back to Indonesia. Have I visited Leuven again? YES! After 24 years 6 months and 19 days after my birth, I finally came to Leuven for the second time. Actually it was an unexpected trip. Last weekend I met my oldfriend, Agung who came from Singapore for training in ASML. When we had our lunch, he unexpectedly said, "Come on let's go to Leuven!" I was thinking that it was a bad idea since it's already 2 PM and we have to catch a train bla..bla..bla. But fortunately, Agung has a car! Not just a car, but also Tomtom. Car + Tomtom = Trip!
The trip to Leuven from Eindhoven lasted for about 1.5 hours. So, how does Leuven look like? I think it's a beautiful small city. The city center is located in a straight long street and in the end of the street you can see the town hall which is very sophisticated! We spent only 1 hour there, took some photos, walked along the city center, and went back home to EIndhoven. Well, nothing much to see but at least I've already visited my birth place. I wish I could go there again with my mother. Someday we will!
Is Louvan is my family name? The answer is no. Actually my family name is Kakisina but I almost never use it, because in my birth certificate my name stated as Samuel Louvan. How can it be? How can "Kakisina" doesn't appear in the document? Did my father make a mistake? Yes, he did. He didn't fill in the family name. Well, but that's ok since I think Louvan is better than Kakisina, I guess hahaha. But someday when I have a child, definitely I will give him/her Kakisina as his/her lastname. Same mistake won't happen.
How long did I stay in Leuven? Well, I just stayed there for 2 months and then we went back to Indonesia. Have I visited Leuven again? YES! After 24 years 6 months and 19 days after my birth, I finally came to Leuven for the second time. Actually it was an unexpected trip. Last weekend I met my oldfriend, Agung who came from Singapore for training in ASML. When we had our lunch, he unexpectedly said, "Come on let's go to Leuven!" I was thinking that it was a bad idea since it's already 2 PM and we have to catch a train bla..bla..bla. But fortunately, Agung has a car! Not just a car, but also Tomtom. Car + Tomtom = Trip!
The trip to Leuven from Eindhoven lasted for about 1.5 hours. So, how does Leuven look like? I think it's a beautiful small city. The city center is located in a straight long street and in the end of the street you can see the town hall which is very sophisticated! We spent only 1 hour there, took some photos, walked along the city center, and went back home to EIndhoven. Well, nothing much to see but at least I've already visited my birth place. I wish I could go there again with my mother. Someday we will!