Friday, September 22, 2006

Which direction ?

About a year ago, I was a system programmer, enjoyed all night coding, closely interacted with gcc, Java etc. Now, I am no longer a programmer, even I don't do any technical task, I would say, it's more administrative work, that I should done. In the beginning of the transition, I felt that it's hard for me. You know, being a programmer, you just sit down, wait for your project manager to come and tell you what you should do next. In my current position, if you just sit down and not communicate with others, the work just cannot be done. I have to more proactive in follow up many things, communicate with other resources to help my work to be completed. I can say, I've to develop my soft skill to survive in this kind of work. For the first time, it's not easy to communicate with others since I don't used to do it. I'm a kind of man that not easy to socialize with others until I know the person quite well. Actually, I'm not quite satisfied with my current performance and I still learn a lot. Hope I can pass this. Or should I change my path again ? It's a disturbing question for me everyday. I need direction.


Anonymous said...

Sammy yang pendiem (di awal) akhirnya harus belajar nyablak dari awal nih? Good luck!! Ntar kalo dah pinter, tularin ke aku ya...

Anonymous said...

u know what.. the experiences u gain in your work, will really help u in getting scholarship. just do ur best, and mention all the greatest things u have done/achieve in it.

Samuel Louvan said...

Thks nicyceria. I'm a little bit relieved.

ted said...

wah kena demam sekolah dan beasiswa ternyata ...