Sunday, December 23, 2007
Setelah hampir seminggu tidur jam 4 atau jam 5 pagi. Akhirnya, hari ini aku bisa tidur panjang full 12 jam non stop ! Rasanya enak banget, damai, dan puasssss. Tugas-tugas sudah selesai dan sudah di-submit. Yah semoga bisa dapet nilai bagus deh. Dua hari ini bisa istirahat sebelum mengerjakan tugas-tugas lain :( di liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru. Semangat-semangat!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Today's date is 6-12. Three years ago on this date was a very emotional and memorable for me, as on that date my father passed away. At that time I still cannot believe why he left us so fast. In the middle of these busy days and I remembered about my father in the same time, makes everything very difficult. I just feel want to cry everytime I think about him, about his kindness, high sense of humor, confidence, leadership, and deep affection to his children. He is more than a father for me, he's more like friend. I can discuss anything with him and he is very supportive to me. When I am in a bad mood or feel want to give up to a certain thing, his words always can cure me.
I still remember clearly when he was in the hospital and I visited him on December 2004. He put all his energy to breath, his face showed like he was under very big pressure. He could not talk, he just could write something in the paper. Before I left to Bandung again, I showed him a piece of paper, "See you on July 2005". Because at that time I would be graduated from ITB on July 2005. He responded nothing. And that time was the last time I met him alive.
Now, I just can meet him through my dreams. He always shows his smile to me when he meets me. Yes, his special smile. He always come in my dream when I'm in difficult situation. Miss you Pa!
I still remember clearly when he was in the hospital and I visited him on December 2004. He put all his energy to breath, his face showed like he was under very big pressure. He could not talk, he just could write something in the paper. Before I left to Bandung again, I showed him a piece of paper, "See you on July 2005". Because at that time I would be graduated from ITB on July 2005. He responded nothing. And that time was the last time I met him alive.
Now, I just can meet him through my dreams. He always shows his smile to me when he meets me. Yes, his special smile. He always come in my dream when I'm in difficult situation. Miss you Pa!
Friday, November 30, 2007
A Fork Will Do
I just realized that my hair now is getting longer and longer. That means I need to make it neat everytime I finish my shower. Several days ago, after took a shower, I looked into the mirror, wow my hair was so messy :D. I tried to find my comb but I could not find it. And then, AHA! I saw a fork near the washtub. Can you guess what happened next?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
At that time, I didn't fell well in my stomach. Yeah, nature call! I just rushed out from my room, and oh my God both of the toilets on my floor were occupied! Without thinking, I run again upstairs, and both of the toilets were available, finally! Ok, 1....2... minutes, I finished my obligation :D and then flushed the toilet. Suddenly I realized, I forgot to bring tissue roll!! Well, what's happen next? I don't want to talk about it :P
Monday, November 26, 2007
Several days ago, I visited Arya's blog and in his blog he mentioned that Bryan McKnight's song with the title "Win" can boost up your spirit. Filled with curiosity, I went to YouTube and searched the song. Well, the first impression was's just a normal song. But after I listened carefully to the lyrics, I was like, wowwww! And now, "Win" is a must song for me everyday. If you're too lazy to listen to the lyrics, just read it here
Wanna know some other songs that can burn up your spirit? (At least it's working for me). Try these! :
1. Theme Song of Superman Returns by John Williams
2. Theme Song of Star Wars by John Williams
3. Under Pressure - Queen (London Symphony Orchestra)
Wanna know some other songs that can burn up your spirit? (At least it's working for me). Try these! :
1. Theme Song of Superman Returns by John Williams
2. Theme Song of Star Wars by John Williams
3. Under Pressure - Queen (London Symphony Orchestra)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Keep The Spirit Up!
Wow! Time goes by so fast! It's already near on the end of November which means this semester will end in one month. Still, I can't believe that I can still survive here in Eindhoven haha. Thks God! Ok, until now I haven't written about my experience here in Eindhoven. So, because I'm in lazy mode currently and I want to improve my English, I will write something right here, right now! If you notice grammar errors or something like that, please notify me :D So, I can learn from it.
1. Study
In the beginning I was thinking that there is no much difference between ITB and TU/e.Unfortunately I was completely wrong. After I entered the second month, the workload was completely insane. I cannot sleep well (only 4-5 hours a day), cannot try new experiment with cooking, cannot enjoy the weekend etc.
2. Friends
Surprisingly, there are 9 students from Indonesia this year and 6 of them live in the same place! The good side is I have many friends from the same country, the bad side is my English is not improving :-) After we know each other I feel that I found the subtitutes of my previous friends in Indonesia. I also make friends from another countries such as China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and of course, Dutch! The students from China are very serious, I think I can see them everyday study in the library haha. They're just talking about academical stuff I think :D. But some of them like Dong Wei, Hai Bin, Simon Hui are funny and friendly. How about the girls haha ? Hmm, there are only few girls in the class that I attended namely two Dutch girls, Eva Ploum (very serious girl) and Ms. X, and only one Chinese girl (Sun).
3. Sports
In TU/e you can do any sports that you like. Of course, I choose badminton! Usually I played with Grant (another Indonesian student) and Jinxian Jian (chinese student). We usually play every Monday and Thursday. But to have a chance to play regularly, you have to pay a fee for 18 euro per year. There are many badminton courts here, about eight courts.And there is also a coach but I never trained under his supervision because I just want to having fun.
4. Weather
One word: unpredictable!
5. Recreation
If you type of a person that like to go to the shopping mall, forget it, Eindhoven is not for you. Actually there are shopping mall here but I think malls in my country are far more better than here. Instead of going to the mall we can go to the park for refreshing :D There are many parks and the parks are well maintained.
6. Language
I don't have time to learn Dutch language. So, everyday I talk in English with others. But don't think that my English is improved exponentially :D Since I talk with Indonesian everyday and it is very tempting to use Indonesian than English. Besides, if I talk in English with other International Students, their English are just the same with me.
7. Food
My menu here is very monotonic. Almost everyday I eat corned beef, eggs, and that's all :D I hate vegetables so I' seldom to eat broccoli, carrots etc. If my mother knows about this maybe she will get angry :D
1. Study
In the beginning I was thinking that there is no much difference between ITB and TU/e.Unfortunately I was completely wrong. After I entered the second month, the workload was completely insane. I cannot sleep well (only 4-5 hours a day), cannot try new experiment with cooking, cannot enjoy the weekend etc.
2. Friends
Surprisingly, there are 9 students from Indonesia this year and 6 of them live in the same place! The good side is I have many friends from the same country, the bad side is my English is not improving :-) After we know each other I feel that I found the subtitutes of my previous friends in Indonesia. I also make friends from another countries such as China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and of course, Dutch! The students from China are very serious, I think I can see them everyday study in the library haha. They're just talking about academical stuff I think :D. But some of them like Dong Wei, Hai Bin, Simon Hui are funny and friendly. How about the girls haha ? Hmm, there are only few girls in the class that I attended namely two Dutch girls, Eva Ploum (very serious girl) and Ms. X, and only one Chinese girl (Sun).
3. Sports
In TU/e you can do any sports that you like. Of course, I choose badminton! Usually I played with Grant (another Indonesian student) and Jinxian Jian (chinese student). We usually play every Monday and Thursday. But to have a chance to play regularly, you have to pay a fee for 18 euro per year. There are many badminton courts here, about eight courts.And there is also a coach but I never trained under his supervision because I just want to having fun.
4. Weather
One word: unpredictable!
5. Recreation
If you type of a person that like to go to the shopping mall, forget it, Eindhoven is not for you. Actually there are shopping mall here but I think malls in my country are far more better than here. Instead of going to the mall we can go to the park for refreshing :D There are many parks and the parks are well maintained.
6. Language
I don't have time to learn Dutch language. So, everyday I talk in English with others. But don't think that my English is improved exponentially :D Since I talk with Indonesian everyday and it is very tempting to use Indonesian than English. Besides, if I talk in English with other International Students, their English are just the same with me.
7. Food
My menu here is very monotonic. Almost everyday I eat corned beef, eggs, and that's all :D I hate vegetables so I' seldom to eat broccoli, carrots etc. If my mother knows about this maybe she will get angry :D
Friday, June 15, 2007
Kerja Sosial etc
Bosan dengan rutinitas weekend yang begitu-begitu saja, saya memutuskan untuk mencari kegiatan yang berbeda dari biasanya. Setelah dipikir-pikir, saya memutuskan untuk kerja sosial di sebuah LSM di daerah Kampung Melayu. Di tempat tersebut saya menjadi sukarelawan, guru matematika untuk anak-anak setingkat kelas 2 SLTP.
Kenapa saya memilih kegiatan ini?
1. Saya menyukai matematika waktu saya sekolah.
2. Saya ingin membantu anak-anak yang mungkin tidak seberuntung saya.
Sebenarnya disamping mengajar saya ingin memberikan keyakinan kepada anak-anak tersebut bahwa mereka punya masa depan yang cerah jika mereka mau belajar dan berusaha.
Tidak seperti yang saya duga sebelumnya, mengajar anak-anak tersebut cukup sulit dan butuh kesabaran. Mereka sulit sekali untuk diajak memperhatikan pelajaran secara serius. Saya sudah berusaha untuk menegur mereka secara sopan namun juga tidak ada gunanya juga. Saya jadi penasaran apakah cuma kelas saya saja yang begini? Ternyata tidak. Di kelas lain pun anak-anaknya juga cukup "cerewet" dan semaunya sendiri. Saya juga sadar bahwa mereka hidup di lingkungan yang keras dan tidak mudah. Dan bagi anak seumuran mereka, lingkungan seperti itu cukup berpengaruh pada kepribadian mereka. Mereka mau datang ke kelas saya saja itu sudah sesuatu yang luar biasa.
Walaupun begitu ada satu anak yang cukup serius dan pandai. Benar-benar pandai dan berbeda dengan anak lainnya. Setiap soal yang saya berikan bahkan soal yang bikin bengong seluruh kelas bisa dia kerjakan tanpa kesulitan. Saya puter2-in soalnya juga dia gak kepengaruh. Saya jadi berpikir betapa beruntungnya saya bisa sekolah dari TK sampe tamat perguruan tinggi sedangkan dia walaupun pandai belum dapat kesempatan untuk menikmati pendidikan seperti saya. Kalau saja saya punya uang cukup, saya pasti akan bantu dia, pikir saya. Hmm, coba Indonesia bisa memberikan perhatian kepada anak-anak seperti ini pasti kita bisa lebih maju.
Saya cuma bisa mengajar mereka di bulan Mei lalu karena bulan Juni saya cukup sibuk di pekerjaan. Dan minggu ini, karena satu dan lain hal saya mengundurkan diri sebagai sukarelawan. Awalnya sih saya berpikir, apa sih susahnya bilang mengundurkan diri, kan tinggal ngomong saja. Akhirnya saya telepon ke yayasan tersebut, namun sayang Bu Mamay tidak ada, yang menerima telepon adalah murid saya. Saya mengutarakan rencana saya kepada anak itu dan meminta dia untuk menyampaikannya kepada Bu Mamay. Respon dari anak itu tidak seperti yang saya perkirakan, yang terus terang membuat saya benar-benar sedih dan tidak tahu gimana, saya merasa bersalah sekali kepada anak-anak tersebut. Setelah selesai telepon, saya hanya bisa termangu dan ngelamun gak jelas karena merasa bersalah.
Dalam hati saya berdoa minta maaf kepada Tuhan, dan berdoa agar anak-anak tersebut bisa rajin belajar dan bisa meraih impiannya. Dengan berusaha dan bekerja keras, mereka pasti dapat berhasil. Doaku bersama mereka!
Sejujurnya saya "benci" melihat orang yang tidak bisa sekolah gara-gara uang. Dan jujur saja saya mudah tergerak kalo denger cerita seseorang yang kesulitan uang dalam pendidikan. Beberapa waktu lalu ketika saya memakai mobil carteran kantor, sopirnya pun menceritakan tentang anaknya yang prestasinya bagus tapi tidak bisa melanjutkan ke universitas gara-gara uang. Saya pun menceritakan tentang peluang beasiswa di perguruan tinggi tempat saya mengambil S1, dan saya membelikan buku latihan soal SPMB untuk anak sopir itu. Saya ingin sekali membantu lebih, tetapi saya tidak bisa.
Kelak, kalau saya punya dana, kalau saya punya uang, dan komitmen saya terhadap pendidikan belum berubah, saya ingin memberikan beasiswa untuk:
- Siswa SD Kristen II Lab Salatiga
- Siswa SLTP 1 Salatiga
- Siswa SMU 1 Salatiga
- Siswa S1 IF-ITB
- Alumni S1 IF yang ingin melanjutkan studi lanjut kemanapun.
Mungkin terdengar kedaerahan? Saya bukan orang kaya seperti Putra Sampoerna yang bisa memberi beasiswa ke ribuan anak bangsa, setidaknya saya bisa mulai dengan daerah saya sendiri...Itupun kalau saya memang mampu. Punya cita-cita kayak gitu tapi gak ada fulus ya sama aja.
Maju terus Indonesia!
Kenapa saya memilih kegiatan ini?
1. Saya menyukai matematika waktu saya sekolah.
2. Saya ingin membantu anak-anak yang mungkin tidak seberuntung saya.
Sebenarnya disamping mengajar saya ingin memberikan keyakinan kepada anak-anak tersebut bahwa mereka punya masa depan yang cerah jika mereka mau belajar dan berusaha.
Tidak seperti yang saya duga sebelumnya, mengajar anak-anak tersebut cukup sulit dan butuh kesabaran. Mereka sulit sekali untuk diajak memperhatikan pelajaran secara serius. Saya sudah berusaha untuk menegur mereka secara sopan namun juga tidak ada gunanya juga. Saya jadi penasaran apakah cuma kelas saya saja yang begini? Ternyata tidak. Di kelas lain pun anak-anaknya juga cukup "cerewet" dan semaunya sendiri. Saya juga sadar bahwa mereka hidup di lingkungan yang keras dan tidak mudah. Dan bagi anak seumuran mereka, lingkungan seperti itu cukup berpengaruh pada kepribadian mereka. Mereka mau datang ke kelas saya saja itu sudah sesuatu yang luar biasa.
Walaupun begitu ada satu anak yang cukup serius dan pandai. Benar-benar pandai dan berbeda dengan anak lainnya. Setiap soal yang saya berikan bahkan soal yang bikin bengong seluruh kelas bisa dia kerjakan tanpa kesulitan. Saya puter2-in soalnya juga dia gak kepengaruh. Saya jadi berpikir betapa beruntungnya saya bisa sekolah dari TK sampe tamat perguruan tinggi sedangkan dia walaupun pandai belum dapat kesempatan untuk menikmati pendidikan seperti saya. Kalau saja saya punya uang cukup, saya pasti akan bantu dia, pikir saya. Hmm, coba Indonesia bisa memberikan perhatian kepada anak-anak seperti ini pasti kita bisa lebih maju.
Saya cuma bisa mengajar mereka di bulan Mei lalu karena bulan Juni saya cukup sibuk di pekerjaan. Dan minggu ini, karena satu dan lain hal saya mengundurkan diri sebagai sukarelawan. Awalnya sih saya berpikir, apa sih susahnya bilang mengundurkan diri, kan tinggal ngomong saja. Akhirnya saya telepon ke yayasan tersebut, namun sayang Bu Mamay tidak ada, yang menerima telepon adalah murid saya. Saya mengutarakan rencana saya kepada anak itu dan meminta dia untuk menyampaikannya kepada Bu Mamay. Respon dari anak itu tidak seperti yang saya perkirakan, yang terus terang membuat saya benar-benar sedih dan tidak tahu gimana, saya merasa bersalah sekali kepada anak-anak tersebut. Setelah selesai telepon, saya hanya bisa termangu dan ngelamun gak jelas karena merasa bersalah.
Dalam hati saya berdoa minta maaf kepada Tuhan, dan berdoa agar anak-anak tersebut bisa rajin belajar dan bisa meraih impiannya. Dengan berusaha dan bekerja keras, mereka pasti dapat berhasil. Doaku bersama mereka!
Sejujurnya saya "benci" melihat orang yang tidak bisa sekolah gara-gara uang. Dan jujur saja saya mudah tergerak kalo denger cerita seseorang yang kesulitan uang dalam pendidikan. Beberapa waktu lalu ketika saya memakai mobil carteran kantor, sopirnya pun menceritakan tentang anaknya yang prestasinya bagus tapi tidak bisa melanjutkan ke universitas gara-gara uang. Saya pun menceritakan tentang peluang beasiswa di perguruan tinggi tempat saya mengambil S1, dan saya membelikan buku latihan soal SPMB untuk anak sopir itu. Saya ingin sekali membantu lebih, tetapi saya tidak bisa.
Kelak, kalau saya punya dana, kalau saya punya uang, dan komitmen saya terhadap pendidikan belum berubah, saya ingin memberikan beasiswa untuk:
- Siswa SD Kristen II Lab Salatiga
- Siswa SLTP 1 Salatiga
- Siswa SMU 1 Salatiga
- Siswa S1 IF-ITB
- Alumni S1 IF yang ingin melanjutkan studi lanjut kemanapun.
Mungkin terdengar kedaerahan? Saya bukan orang kaya seperti Putra Sampoerna yang bisa memberi beasiswa ke ribuan anak bangsa, setidaknya saya bisa mulai dengan daerah saya sendiri...Itupun kalau saya memang mampu. Punya cita-cita kayak gitu tapi gak ada fulus ya sama aja.
Maju terus Indonesia!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Harsh word
I was in the electrical workshop accompanying a Schlumberger engineer when I met this UK expat. At that time we need a tie-rap to tidy up the cables in the cabinet. So my fellow SLB engineer said to that UK guy, "Sir, do you have a tie rap that we can use?" He answered," You need a tie rap? F*ck me!!" I was very surprised when he said that. After that he wore his safety helmet, safety gloves, earplug, safety glass and went out from the room. After several minutes he came back to the room and gave us many tie raps.
Offshore guy always unpredictable.
Offshore guy always unpredictable.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Several days ago, still in the ENSCO-108 rig Papua, we had a morning meeting in the conference room. After the Well Site Leader explained several main issues that we should know, the round table update began. Drilling engineers, ENCSO HSE, and other contractors updated their current status and activity. Finally, it's Halliburton's turn, represented by a US expat. He said, "I have no significant update Sir. But I have one question, do you have smaller size of earplug ? It doesn't fit in my ears." The well site leader replied," It's a standard size." Halliburton guy said again, "Even I've squezzed the earplug and still cannot fit." Well site leader answered," What's your condom's size?" Ting tong....
He..Yamko Rambe Yamko..
In this last two weeks, it's a tedious adventure for me since I should work in an offshore rig in Papua, ENSCO 108. Even last week I consider it as "hell" because of the high pressure and difficult situation. My main objective here is to enable telecommunication from the rig to the outer world. You think it's simple? Hell no!! Working here it's very different than in the Arkadia office Jakarta. I met many expat with their annoying and harsh attitude. I can't remember how many times they said f*ck, sh*t, a**ho** to me.'s really difficult. They don't care with our problem except theirs. In the beginning it was very hard to accept that condition. But in the next few days I was getting used to it :D Even I feel stronger and tougher now. Dasar bule kampung semua :P Ga berpendidikan semua :D
After two weeks of hard and exhaustive work, tomorrow I'll be back to Jakarta. But it's not simple as that to go back to Jakarta. From the rig to Babo I've to use boat, from Babo to Biak by small plane and finally from Biak to Jakarta 4 hours flight with Garuda Indonesia..phew.. Fortunately, I get one week off duty, and definitely I will go straight to Salatiga. I want to see my mom. I really miss her..The first thing I want to do is to get someone fix TV antenna in my house! Wait for me mom, we'll watch TV together soon :-)
Finally, the storm almost over. Thank God.
After two weeks of hard and exhaustive work, tomorrow I'll be back to Jakarta. But it's not simple as that to go back to Jakarta. From the rig to Babo I've to use boat, from Babo to Biak by small plane and finally from Biak to Jakarta 4 hours flight with Garuda Indonesia..phew.. Fortunately, I get one week off duty, and definitely I will go straight to Salatiga. I want to see my mom. I really miss her..The first thing I want to do is to get someone fix TV antenna in my house! Wait for me mom, we'll watch TV together soon :-)
Finally, the storm almost over. Thank God.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
You're nothing
Employee in a company is no more than a single record in a database. They never see you as a human. You could be deleted/updated/inserted. You're nothing.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Meet The Parents
In the last vacation, I had a chance to go to Parakan. Parakan is Fenny's hometown.The decision to went there didn't come in easy way. My primary concern is about my confidence to drive my car alone. It is true if I often drive car in Jakarta but Fenny always accompany me at that time. Somehow I could build up my confidence and took my sister with me. Located 54 km from Salatiga, the trip to Parakan lasted about 90 minutes, not too long huh ? Since I drove a little bit crazy :D
It's not that easy to find Fenny's house we were lost when we tried to find her house. Fortunately, Fenny is kind enough to find us :D
Her house is very simple, not too big and not too small. When I came, I met with her mother and frightening father. As I knew from some friends, Fenny's father is a unique person, he likes to talk in loud..very loud voice and for some people it's like yelling not talking. Beside that Pak Eko (her father) is a man without expression, cool as an ice.
But who knows, despite his killer face, Pak Eko is very kind and helpful like his daughter, this is proved when my car failed to started up he helped me by calling a mechanic and get them to fix my car although at that time is a holiday. Even when I was preparing to go back to Salatiga he gave me some money to fuel the car. Thank you, Pak Eko! :-)
It's not that easy to find Fenny's house we were lost when we tried to find her house. Fortunately, Fenny is kind enough to find us :D
Her house is very simple, not too big and not too small. When I came, I met with her mother and frightening father. As I knew from some friends, Fenny's father is a unique person, he likes to talk in loud..very loud voice and for some people it's like yelling not talking. Beside that Pak Eko (her father) is a man without expression, cool as an ice.
But who knows, despite his killer face, Pak Eko is very kind and helpful like his daughter, this is proved when my car failed to started up he helped me by calling a mechanic and get them to fix my car although at that time is a holiday. Even when I was preparing to go back to Salatiga he gave me some money to fuel the car. Thank you, Pak Eko! :-)
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