Monday, February 25, 2013

Admission Results

Up until this point, I got rejected by UMass Amherst and Emory University. For Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), I was offered for Master's.  Considering that CMU is one of the top schools in CS along with  other well known universities e.g. Stanford, MIT,  I really want to go there. However, for Master's there is no certainty in funding. Financially, it's almost impossible to afford $18.000 dollar a year just for tuition fee. I have to  sell my house in Salatiga to obtain such a lot of money! (which is crazy). 

In terms of academic path, honestly I don't mind to do Master's, as the credits obtained in Master's can be transferred to PhD. In fact, according to one of the PhD student , many of Master students in CMU continue to PhD program. Indeed, the PhD program is extremely competitive. In terms of academic excellence, I would say the admission committee would prefer a CMU student or other students from well known university with the GPA of 3.6 rather than, say, a graduate from a university in Indonesia with the GPA of 3.9. So, what can I do  is to compete from research experience e.g. publish a paper in a difficult conference, then I think my chance to be accepted will be increased. However, this is difficult to achieve, research is just a rigorous activity and you really need to focus.
The bottomline is, I think I have to close my dream to go to CMU  T_T

From the Fulbright program, I got accepted for PhD in University of Delaware. I never heard about this university and I do not know whether the research group in IR/NLP is active. In addition to that, the Scholarship from Fulbright only covers about $40000. Yes, the scholarship is very limited. Therefore, I would have a shortfall around $7000. Financially, it's still manageable, however I'm still not sure about the academic & research quality in the University of Delaware. 

So... Should I go for PhD now or push myself to the limit this year and re-apply again for the school that I actually wanted? 


Zalfany said...

Active atau gak active dan research quality kan bisa dilihat dari jumlah dan kualitas publikasi paper / jurnal, Sam?

Anonymous said...

Well, if it's up to me, you should. Time is ticking, you ain't got any younger--not I'm telling you're being old or something but think about it.

Besides, you don't know what this Delaware might spurts to you. You might take a co-join research with the Mellon or Stanford lads. It's an abundant of chance when you got there.

And for whatev decision you'll take, you rock!

ted said...

Wah sayang sekali. CMU keren padahal ya :(
Gimana baiknya ya .. harus ngeliat riset nya ya ..

Btw Sam, biasanya PHD program itu nawarin semacam research collaboration ato internship ke universitas dan instansi lain. Jadi kalo bisa kolaborasi riset sama Prof. dari CMU kan oke juga.. Cari kolaborasi yang skalanya taunan biar di CMU nya bisa lama :D

Saya kemaren Phd di Jepang tapi sempet kolaborasi nya sama prof. yang OK di bidang saya di Australi.

Pendapat saya sejalan sama Mas Adeputu rupanya ...

ted said...

Wah maap tidak liat tanggal .. ternyata ini posting taun lalu. Jadi kemaren test itu setelah memutuskan untuk daftar lagi ya ..

Samuel Louvan said...

Hmm, daftar lagi? Ga daftar lagi kok Sand, cuman daftar sekali itu ke US. Ya sebenernya ada peluang funding sih di CMU utk master, tp mereka suruh aku dateng dulu kesana dan dilihat performancenya, dan bisa transfer ke PhD. Ya gila aja tapi, kyk misi bunuh diri haha.. Ga ada duit sama sekali. Yah walau kalo liat kurikulum + riset di CMU bikin ngiler :D mereka punya LTI (Language Technology Institute)

Tp di tempat sekarang ga jelek2 amat jg sih haha, ada Prof. yng cocok jg kayaknya